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2016-今, 威廉希尔体育(教授,博士生导师)


2008-2012,美国加州大学圣塔巴巴拉分校,导师:Alan J. Heeger教授(2000年诺贝尔化学奖获得者)、Kevin W. Plaxco教授






目前主要从事的研究领域包括生物传感器、生物分子响应性纳米孔道的研究等。迄今为止,已在国际核心期刊上发表SCI论文60余篇(IF>10的22篇)。SCI引用4500余次,H因子34。发表的论文其中10篇单篇他引用次数超过100次。研究成果受到国内外同行的高度关注,多次被Nature,Nature China,Nano Today,NPG等期刊或网站选为研究亮点。



1. 国家杰出青年科学基金获得者(2015)

2. 青年973首席科学家(2014)

3. 湖北省特聘专家(2012)


1. Science Bulletin国际期刊副主编(2016)

2. SCIENCE CHINA Chemistry编委(2016)

3. Scientific Reports国际期刊编委(2015)

4. 中国材料研究学会纳米材料与器件分会第一届理事会理事(2013)



1. 生命分析化学(国家杰出青年科学基金)

2. 基于响应性生物探针设计的微纳米器件用于乳腺癌早期检测的基础研究,国家重大科学研究计划青年科学家项目计划,首席科学家

3. 基于循环探针技术的乳腺癌早期检测研究(华中科技大学人才引进基金)

4. 微纳米尺度限域下的核酸自组装过程研究(国家自然科学基金面上项目)



1. Ruixue Duan, Xiaoding Lou,Fan Xia*.“The development of nanostructure assisted isothermal amplification in biosensors”Chemical Society Reviews, 2016,45, 1738.

2. Pengcheng Gao, Lintong Hu, Nannan Liu, Zekun Yang, Xiaoding Lou, Tianyou Zhai, Huiqiao Li,Fan Xia*. “Functional "Janus" Annulus in Confined Channels”Advance Materials, 2016,28, 460.

3. Wei Guo, Fan Hong, Nannan Liu, Jiayu Huang , Boya Wang, Ruixue Duan, Xiaoding Lou,Fan Xia*. “Target-Specific 3D DNA Gatekeepers for Biomimetic Nanopores”Advance Materials, 2015,27, 2090.

4. Fan Xia* and Xiaolei Zuo, “Sandwich assay for proteins, nucleic acids, small molecules and ions”Chemical Reviews, 2014,114, 7631.

5. Fan Xia*, Ruixue Duan, Xiaolei Zuo, et al. “Quadratic isothermal amplification for the detection of microRNA”Nature Protocols, 2014,9, 597.

6. Ruixue Duan, Xiaolei Zuo,Fan Xia*,et al. “Lab in a Tube: Ultrasensitive Detection of MicroRNAs at the Single-Cell Level and in Breast Cancer Patients Using Quadratic Isothermal Amplification”Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2013,135, 4604.

7. Nannan Liu, Yanan Jiang,Fan Xia*, et al. “Two-Way Nanopore Sensing of Sequence-Specific Oligonucleotides and Small-Molecule Targets in Complex Matrices Using Integrated DNA Supersandwich Structures”Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 2013,52, 2007.

8. Yanan Jiang, Nannan Liu,Fan Xia*,et al. “Highly-Efficient Gating of Solid-State Nanochannels by DNA Supersandwich Structure Containing ATP Aptamers: A Nanofluidic IMPLICATION Logic Device”Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2012,134, 15395.

9. Di Kang, Ryan J. White,Fan Xia*, et al. “DNA biomolecular-electronic encoder and decoder devices constructed by multiplex biosensors”NPG Asia Materials, 2012, 4, 15197.

10. Fan Xia, Xiaolei Zuo, Renqiang Yang, et al. “On the Binding of Cationic, Water-Soluble Conjugated Polymer to DNA:Electrostatic and Hydrophobic Interactions”Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2010, 132, 1252.

11. Fan Xia, Xiaolei Zuo, Alexis Vallée-Bélisle, et al. “Colorimetric Detection of DNA Sequences, Small Molecules, Proteins and Ions, using Unmodified Gold Nanoparticles and Conjugated Polyelectrolytes”Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2010, 107, 10837.

12. Fan Xia, Xiaolei Zuo, Yi Xiao, et al. “Label-free, Dual-analyte Electrochemical Biosensors: A New Class of Molecular-Electronic Logic Gates”Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2010, 132, 8557.

13. Fan Xia, Ryan White, Xiaolei Zuo, et al. “An Electrochemical Supersandwich Assay for Sensitive and Selective DNA Detection in Complex Matrices”Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2010, 132, 14346.

14. Fan Xia, Wei Guo, Youdong Mao, et al. “Gating of single synthetic nanopores by proton-driven DNA molecular motors”Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2008, 130, 8345.

15. Fan Xiaand Lei Jiang “Bio-inspired smart multi-scale interfacial materials”Advanced Materials, 2008, 20, 2842.

16. Fan Xia, Hui Ge, Yi Hou, et al. “Multiresponsive Surfaces Change Between Superhydrophilicity and Superhydrophobicity”Advanced Materials, 2007, 19, 2520.

17. Fan Xia, Lin Feng, Shutao Wang, et al. “Dual-Responsive Surfaces That Switch between Superhydrophilicity and Superhydrophobicity”Advanced Materials, 2006, 18, 432.


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