应威廉希尔体育严春杰教授、刘浴辉副教授的邀请,英国牛津大学高级研究员Nicholas Stanley Belshaw博士来公司做学术报告。
报告题目:Mass spectrometers — key tools for geochemistry and other sciences
Dr. Nicholas Stanley Belshaw, obtained his PhD degree from Cambridge University, working as a senior research fellow in Earth Sciences Department of Oxford University. He is extremely experienced in high precision isotope ratio mass spectrometry and involved in design and development of multi collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS). He developed analysis measurement methods of beryllium isotope, magnesium isotope, ferrum isotope, calcium isotope and uranium isotope in geological, oceanological, paleoclimatological and environmental studies. Currently, he is focusing on isotope tracing in biology and medical science. The total number of citations of his published papers is nearly 3000, and the highest number of citations of his first author paper is nearly 300.
Mass spectrometers are key tools for geochemistry and other sciences. More information about the techniques and principals of mass spectrometry could help scientists in different fields to explore new directions. Improvements and designs on application softwares, electronics accessories and vacuum systems of single or multi-collector mass spectrometers opened new application areas worldwide. Latest studies carried on in Oxford University show that it may help with cancer treatment in the near future.