应威廉希尔体育梁玉军教授和公衍生副教授的邀请,墨西哥国立理工大学材料与冶金工程系教授J.R. Vargas Garcia来公司做学术报告。
报告题目:Carbon nanotube assisted synthesis of CeO2 nanotubes and their electrochemical performance for the oxidation of methanol
报告摘要:Nano-structured ceria-based materials are increasingly gaining attention for electro-oxidation of methanol due to the capability of ceria to act as a promoter for the preferential oxidation of CO to CO2. Frequently, ceria nanotubes have been fabricated using hard templates such as carbon nanotubes and porous alumina. However, the diameters of these ceria nanotubes are typically in the range of 200 to 1000 nm, too large to have appreciable impact on their catalytic properties. Here, we report the synthesis of ceria nanotubes with diameters ranging from 50 to 160 nm and their electrochemical performance as a support of Pt nanoparticles for electro-oxidation of methanol. Ceria was formed on the surface of functionalized carbon nanotubes by a hydrothermal method obtaining a series of ceria-carbon nanotubes. The carbon template was completely removed by heating in air resulting in the formation of pure single-crystalline ceria nanotubes. The electrochemical performance was evaluated by cyclic voltammetry in 0.5 M H2SO4 and CH3OH solution. Both, ceria-carbon and single-crystalline ceria nanotubes showed higher stability at anodic potentials than commercial carbon-Vulcan materials. The incorporation of Pt resulted in the formation of Ce1-xPtxO2-d solid solution. The Ce1-xPtxO2-d-carbon nanotubes showed higher performance in methanol oxidation than commercial Pt/C-Vulcan or Pt/CeO2 nanoparticles. Thus, the use of ceria nanotubes as a support promotes not only high activity towards methanol oxidation but also stability in the anodic region allowing the direct oxidation of methanol to CO2. The XPS investigations showed that the Ce3+ ion number is about 10% of total cerium ion number, which may be responsible for the high performance of the Ce1-xPtxO2-d-carbon nanotubes.
报告人简介:J.R. Vargas Garcia教授现为墨西哥国立理工大学材料与冶金工程系教授、墨西哥国立理工大学纳米研究中心主任、墨西哥国家科学家系统二级科学家、墨西哥国立理工大学最高级别教授、墨西哥国立理工大学最高级别学术委员、日本东北大学访问教授。他分别于1986年和1990年获墨西哥国立理工大学冶金工程和材料科学系学士及硕士学位,1995年获日本东北大学材料工程系获博士学位。J.R. Vargas García教授现为武汉理工大学讲座教授。J.R. Vargas García教授是墨西哥多功能纳米材料和功能薄膜材料方面的杰出科学家,在此领域发表论文170余篇。
威廉希尔体育 2017-1-9