报告题目:Pt-free Catalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction
会议地点:腾讯会议(会议ID:613 690 497 )
The development of high-performance and low-cost catalytic materials for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction (ORR) has been the key issue for the large-scale application of fuel cells. To meet this challenge, non-platinum catalysts have been systematically studied in our group. Recently, we have being devoting to designing of nitrogen-doped graphene (NG) and finding new properties of transitional base metals. We propose a space-confinement-induced strategy of selectively generating planar pyridine and pyrrolic NG with layer-structured montmorillonite (MMT) used as the quasi-closed flat nano-reactor.[1] We further compose a “shape fixing via salt recrystallization” method to efficiently synthesize nitrogen-doped carbon material with a large number of active sites exposed to the three-phase zones and construct a three dimensional network catalyst structure with a high density of ORR active sites.[2] In the aspect of investigating mechanism of hetero atoms-doped carbon in catalysis of ORR, we propose so-called triple-effect theory, i.e., charge, spin density and ligand effect, to well explain the enhanced catalysis of hetero atoms doped carbon. [3] In addition, we reveal a new structure-activity relationship between spinel crystalline structure and ORR activity toward the traditional FeCo base metals. [4]
魏子栋,男,博士,重庆大学教授,化学化工学院经理,化工过程强化与反应国家地方联合工程实验室主任,教育部长江学者特聘教授。先后于1984年和1994年在陕西科技大学和天津大学获得工学学士学位和博士学位。致力于电化学催化与工业电化学技术的开发与工业应用20余年,发表论文300余篇,他引12000余次,主编或参与编写《电化学催化》、《化工过程强化》、《电催化》等著作。授权国家发明专利30多件,获省部级自然科学、科技进步一、二、三等奖各1次。中国化工学会、中国化学会理事、《Nano Materrial Scence》、《化学学报》、《化工学报》、《催化学报》、《物理化学学报》、《Electrochemical Energy Review》等杂志副主编或编委。重庆市第五届人民政治协商会议常委,沙坪坝区政协副主席,九三学社重庆市委副主委。